Sunday, March 8, 2009

Finally Getting Better

Finally, after a week of no sleep, constant coughing, crying, runny noses, fussiness and just down right no fun, (and that's just Dad, not to mention Owen being sick), we're all finally better.
Last Sunday night/Monday morning, Owen was just not sleeping. His breathing was labored and he had a high fever which would not break despite our best efforts. So finally at 4 a.m. we took him to the Emergency Room where we found out he not only had an ear infection, but he had RSV as well.
After taking some tylenol and getting a prescription for anti-biotics, we went home, hoping Owen could back to sleep. Unfortunatley, he was up for the rest of what was left of the night. We thought about going in to work and school that day, but at about 8:30 that morning we decided that neither was possible.

But now, he is finally getting better. We visitied the doctor on Thursday and he said that the ear infection had healed up. And he prescribed some cough medicine for Owen...with codiene! Mommy and Dad finally got a little bit of sleep Thursday and Friday night. By the weekend Owen was almost back to his same old naughty self!
<"arial" Here he is getting into the dog food. He hasn't tried eating yet, but he likes to pick up handfuls and throw it across the floor. Lily doesn't mind either, she just walks around and eats up the bits before Mommy and Dad sweep it up.

He has also got the pulling himself up and standing bit down as well. He can also walk himself along holding to things, like the edge of the couch, his "jungle toy" and the TV. His favorite thing to do is stand up and pull toy after toy out of his toy chest. He has more fun doing this than he does playing with the actual toys.

And last night, Mommy let him have some candy for the first time. A Valentine's sucker that Grandma Nash gave to him. He liked it at first, but after getting himself all sticky, he seemed to lose interest.

So he is finally getting better, sleeping in his own bed again and making mischief. Hopefully with winter on its way out, this is the last sickness he gets this year.
We're also dumbfounded that soon he will be one year old. It has gone by too fast for us.


~: Angie :~ said...

I like the dog food picture - funny how kids can find everything and anything

Claine and Janice said...

I am glad that he is finally feeling better!

Melanie said...

I'm glad he's doing better. It's not fun when your kids are sick. I love how big he's getting and growing so quickly!!