Monday, December 5, 2011

Not too old yet!

On Saturday night me and my sisters and some friends went and seen Kid Rock at Saltair. It was a great time. We all still know how to have a good time!

Thursday, December 1, 2011


We had a great Thanksgiving at my parents house this year. I also got to sneak in a little black friday shopping with my sisters and all the crazy people. I did get really good deals it was worth it. We also went and cut down our own Christmas tree this year with my in-laws. We roasted hot dogs and had smores yum. Owen thought it was pretty cool and had a good time with the kids.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Spooky Halloween

We all really enjoyed all the Halloween fun this year. I think Owen really understood this year. He had toy monsters and he would just sit and play with them for hours on end. He liked scary stuff even though at night he would say I have creepy pumpkins in my room and not want to go to bed. We did a lot of carving pumpkins and just all and all had a great Halloween.

Hogle Zoo

Chism had a few days off of school so we headed out to the Hogle Zoo. It was a perfect day. I guess everyone had the same idea as we did that day because it was packed. We still had a great time though. Owen loved seeing all the animals and making animal noises.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Fall Fun

We have been out and enjoying the fall weather. It was my moms big 60th birthday last weekend. Owen had the best time out running around non stop with his cousins. We also made it to a pumpkin walk. They had some dance studio performing and they had really good costumes. I think Owen might have been a little scared but all and all it was a good time. It is nice to be close to family and hang out more often.


Owen has been getting super mad lately. When he does this he pulls some pretty silly faces. We are always trying not to laugh because that makes him more mad but it is really hard as you can see from the pics.

Monday, September 26, 2011


Owen loves to watch cartoons in the morning. This is where I found him watching them this morning. Silly kid!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


We have missed Aggie football this year. But we have had Grantsville High football to make up for it. Owen loves going to the games and talking with everyone sitting around us. Some older guy even got a hug from Owen. He is a friendly kid he must get that from his dad. It was a little cold last week but we all had a great time. Here are a few pics from the game and a random one I thought was funny I added.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Our new house...

Things have been going good so far. We are all moved in and settled. Moving sucked, it was like 98 degrees outside the day we moved! Chism did a great job picking out a place for us to live. It is a really nice house it is 4 bedrooms so we have plenty of room. It is all hard wood floors and it is all remodeled and nice.

Chism is really enjoying his new job, and the kids. I have been looking for a job but so far no luck yet. Owen really loves to have me home every day though. After unpacking and getting everything done I'm starting to go a little crazy staying at home. Owen is kind of having a hard time with the move. He always is saying can we go back to our old house in Logan. I miss the people in Logan as well. We will all be adjusted soon enough though.

Collett's Birthday

All the girls went out for my sisters birthday this year over Labor Day weekend. It was nice to get out and have some fun. Happy Birthday sis!

Sunday, August 21, 2011


We have been super busy trying to pack and move. I have not posted for a very long time. These are Owen's three year pictures. Thanks Aimee you did a great job! I will post more picutres of what Owen has been doing this summer once we get moved.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


We have already had a busy start to our summer. A few weeks ago we went and seen my nephew play baseball and the Bee's game. It was actually perfect weather that day believe it or not. We had a great Mother's Day. It is always good to spend time with family.
Next we were off on our vacation to Las Vegas and Mesquite. We have a time share there and we love it. Owen took it all in this time. He loved swimming and all the stuff in Vegas. It was 80-85 degrees the whole time we were there. Here are a few pics. I threw one in there of Chsim. He forgot his sunglasses and had to wear a spare pair of mine until he got his own. He looked like Harry Potter! I didn't tell him I was going to post it but I'm sure he won't mind.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Dad's B-day, Easter and Owen's B-day

There has been so much going on we haven't had time to post any blogs lately, so we're going to make up for it with this post. Here are some pictures of Dad's birthday, Easter and Owen's Birthday and other happenings over the past three months:

Owen clowned around a lot with his cousin Ryan.

For his birthday, Mom took Dad to a Jazz game and hey sat really close-the closest either of them had ever sat in a game. They were even on TV for just a few seconds...

Owen helped Dad blow out the candles on his cake...

Then it was Easter and we decorated Easter Eggs!

Easter morning Owen hunted around the house to see what the Easter bunny had left for him!

Then we were off to Grampa and Grandma Higham's house for another Easter Egg hunt! We also went to Grampa and Grandma Nash's house, too!

Owen loved shooting bubbles with his new Bubble Gun!

Then it was time for birthday boy Owen! We had one party with just Mommy, Daddy and Owen on his actually birthday on Wednesday 4/27. Then on the following Sunday everyone came up for a big birthday bash!

Owen loved his little Star Wars cake and kept trying to sneak some frosting!

Even though it has been a busy few months, Owen still found time to ham it up for the camera, especially when he is playing with his toys...

He even puts his toys to bed. Here he was putting Woody and Buzz to bed and reading them a bedtime story!